ASCERTIA – Digital signature

The digital signature is the electronic equivalent, with the same legal value, of the handwritten signature and allows you to sign official documents electronically. It is a valuable tool for companies for, at least, two reasons:

  1. it allows to simplify relations with Public Administrations and companies, ensuring, among other things, continuity in the provision of services even in smart-working conditions;
  2. it significantly reduces the use of paper documents, with obvious management and environmental benefits.

Since it is based on stringent cryptographic protocols, the digital signature guarantees the identity of the signer in the most absolute way and also ensures that the document has not been tampered with after signing.

If you are looking for a product of this type for your company, read more to find out the characteristics of the Ascertia digital signature service offered by SAB Consulting!

How does Ascertia digital signature work?

Ascertia is a global reference point for information security. Ascertia digital signature uses the ADSS Certificate Authority (CA) server, an all-inclusive solution for creating and verifying digital signatures affixed to documents, forms and electronic transactions. ADSS CA is a certified PKI server that meets the CWA 14167-1 requirements for reliable systems, factors that make it suitable for use by certified service providers.

Its simple interface can be easily integrated into a corporate application, it can be used with an ADSS Registration Authority (RA) server or even with third-party RA systems such as specialized smartcard management systems, ensuring the integrity of data and documents. ADSS CA also complies with the specifications of the OASIS DSS and DSS-X protocols.

With the Ascertia remote digital signature service, the end user can view and digitally sign documents within a standard browser without having to pre-install any software. The product supports Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems, as well as a wide variety of web browsers.

Characteristics of Ascertia digital certificates

Explore all the features offered by Ascertia:

PDF Sign&Seal

Desktop application to create, sign and protect corporate documents.

SSL Server - SSL client

Security certificate to protect a single web domain.
Client-side SSL security certificate.

Code Signing

To protect Java applets, code and / or Microsoft Authenticode.


Product used to protect all IP connections.

E-mail & Document signing

Features to protect e-mail and sign documents like PDF or Word.

SSL Wild Card

Security certificate to protect multiple web domains.

Time Stamping

Timestamp release functionality required for digital signature verification.


Flexible certification authority / PKI server.

Sab Consulting Srl

Headquarter 20063 – Cernusco Sul Naviglio (MI) Via G. Mazzini, 3/C Registered office 24047 – Treviglio (BG) – Via S. Mulitsch, 13 VAT Number: 04145090967 REA: BG-366953 Chamber of Commerce Code: 12.000 Municipality of registration C.C .: Bergamo